I loved Alice in Wonderland when I was a kid, and so the idea of the story about Ada, briefly mentioned in Alice, following her down the rabbit hole intrigued me. And apparently a whole slew of others because I had to wait quite a bit for it.
Unfortunately, I didn't even finish it. Slow to start, slow to move and filled with all sorts of thoughts on Victorian England, Darwin, and a series of random other things, I put it down after only page 70, about 25% of the way in.
Typically, I don't like to not finish books. But it's just not worth it in my opinion anymore. Life is too short to finish books that aren't good. I did, however, hop on to Amazon and read some of the reviews in case I was being supremely unfair by quitting it early, but found that many others echoed my thoughts- boring. My advice, skip it.
And on another sort of related note, when I was in fifth grade I remember reading a book that was leather bound with gold writing on the cover. I couldn't remember much about the story other than that a little girl peered into a large mirror and saw the room that she was in was all backwards. And that was it. For just about 20 years I tried to remember what it was about. I even asked a librarian and she didn't know based on my tiny description.
Then later I picked up a copy of Alice and Wonderland which also had Through the Looking Glass in it, and there it was, the story that I had thought about for all those years. It was Through the Looking Glass that I had read as a child, (and really, any good librarian should have known it even from my very brief description of what I could remember!)
I managed to even find a copy of the book that I had read as a child.
Only $40 used on Amazon! I think I'll pass, but it was so fun to see it again after all these years, looking mostly as I remembered it so vaguely.
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