To be honest, I sort of felt like I was in a slump in January. I wasn't all that interested in reading, and the books I did get from the library just didn't seem to do it for me. (That's why I love reading more than book at a time, you usually have something to fit your every mood.
Here's what was read in January:
1. The Silkworm
This series is written by JK Rowling, yes the Harry Potter author, under a pseudonym. If I remember correctly she wanted to see if she could sell other books not in her name. Apparently, the first one didn't sell so great and then they found out who really wrote it and everything flew out of the stores like hotcakes.
In my opinion, they are okay. Not terrible, but not exceptionally great. She writes random stuff like the main character picking his nose. He also lost a leg in the war, but for some reason, is unable to take care of it correctly, which ends up only making you infuriated at how far he lets himself go. The Silkworm in particular was graphic with the death and I am not all that into details like that. I got the third one from the library, started it and then let it go. I just don't care that much.
2. Mycroft Holmes
This one I already talked about. It kicked off my interest in reading some Sherlock Holmes again as you will see further down the list. A quick and fun read.
3. The Five Red Herrings
I kept seeing this one pop up multiple times on Modern Mrs. Darcy. Another detective book. My month seems to be filled with these. Highly unusual for me. Fun and fairly quick. I will definitely read some of the others.
4. Anne of Green Gables
I started this one after we watched some of the movies. Anne Shirley may very well be one of my all-time favorite fictional characters.
5. A Study in Scarlet
I'd never read this before, but have seen the excellent Sherlock BBC miniseries version for this episode. So fun to read the original and see how they stuck to the plot and changed some things. I would totally be in the Holmesian fan club. The difference between Sherlockian and Holmesian. I prefer Holmesian.
6. The Wind in the Willows
I can't believe I made it into my 30s without reading this. It's practically required reading when you are young. Fun, and I can clearly see where the Redwall series by Brian Jacques was inspired from.
7. The Hounds of the Baskervilles
I have read a modern retelling of this in the last several years, but I can't for the life of me remember when or who wrote it. Fun to read the original, which was actually a reread for me again. I had forgotten a lot though, so I didn't mind a second go round.
8. The Mermaid's Sister
Don't remember where I saw this book, but there are a lot of reviews on amazon for it. I agree with one reviewer who said that it started out with so much potential and then fell flat. That accurately sums it up. Middle school girls (the younger ones) will love it, but for those who are expecting a fully fleshed out story it will disappoint. Not terrible, but could have been so much better.
And that's it for January.
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