Monday, February 8, 2016

Plant Wall

See this wall?

Plain and boring.  We slapped some pictures up to try and detract from the chair rail.  It's in our kitchen next to a sliding glass door.  Tons of light. Tons of potential. I am thinking this.

8 - Vertical Garden - House Plants - Landscaping Ideas

Can you even imagine a wall of plants in my kitchen?  I can.   Now to get myself to IKEA for some shelving.  Not as easy as it used to be in our community.  Also, it's about time to get that ugly box tv holder off the wall.  If I could only figure how it works......


  1. Have you seen the pocket planters you can hang on the wall. Probably more expensive than IKEA, but as a system it seems like an efficient way to keep the plants all together and not take up as much depth. Here's a link to a blog where they have one hanging in their office.

  2. Funny you sent this link because I did see this and loved it, but couldn't remember where it was from. Probably a little more spendy then what I would like and Chris would probably have a cow if I spent that on a planter!
