Wednesday, September 23, 2015

4 Months In- What I Love & Don't

We've been at our new house for 4 months.  Or 1/3 of a year.  Yikes, when you put it like that it sounds like a long time.

I thought it would be fun to have a list of what I like and what I don't.

It is certainly no secret that I am partial to retail therapy, and that I am more than a little obsessed with buying a new house.

The Love List

1. No annoying neighbors.  And we had a super fun family before.  The kids came over all the time, even when we asked their parents to not let them.

2. All the land to roam.  Otherwise known as "Kids, outside and don't come back until lunch"

3. Multiple bathrooms

4. A walk in closet for the master

5. Large Kitchen

6. Huge windows

7. An actual for-real library

8. 5 stall garages- for all of Chris' stuff.

9. The fireplace

10. Actually, making a list is kind of silly because I love almost everything about the house.

The Don't Love It List

1. White carpet.  5 kids, white carpet, enough said

2. The tile.  What's not carpeted is tiled.  With white tiles.  Back breaking hard to clean if you want to get dirt out of all the natural divits in it.  Plus it's cold on the toes.

3. Heats with propane.  We've always been on natural gas, so this is new for us, and can be  a lot more expensive if the propane market flips out, which it has in the past.

4. Wallpaper everywhere.  The ugly kind.

5. Oak trim

6. The mortgage payment.  We effectively doubled it.  Although we tripled or house size and let's not even compare our previous 0.3 acre to the gorgeousness that is our land now.  Still, would have loved to pay what we paid before.  :)

Overall we really love our new place.  I might complain at times, but we are super blessed.

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