Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Natural Deodorant Update

A while ago I posted about making natural deodorant.  I thought I'd give you an update on how it's working.

Homemade Deodorant without Baking Soda - If you've tried to make deodorant and found that your pits couldn't handle the baking soda, you're not alone! After a year of trying to handle the burning under my armpits I gave up and looked for a new homemade deodorant without baking soda. This new formula works and doesn't irritate my sensitive skin.

Initially, it worked great.  And then I shaved my armpits for a fancy event.  Which pretty much messed everything up.  Remember how I said that I don't shave my pits?  Well, get rid of that hair and your body has a thing or two to say about it.

A lot of people have an adjustment period before natural deodorant works, and getting rid of my hair caused me to have that issue.  Instead of the deodorant working awesome as it had initially, I headed straight to stinkville.

It's two weeks later and the deodorant is finally starting to work again like it did at first when I still had hair.  Which I am greatly pleased about because it's no fun to go out into public and you're super conscious if anyone can smell you!  The only thing I don't know for sure if if it's working because my body is adjusting, or if it's working because my hair is growing back.

At this point I am  not complaining because it's working.  We'll worry about hair and tank top season when that comes.....At the very least I am not putting aluminum into my body anymore, and I do appreciate that.

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