Monday, July 13, 2015

Homeschool- American Literature Program

Ava is doing American Literature for English this year.  We are using it as 9th grade English combined with a writing course as well as grammar.

Here is an awesome link that breaks down the periods in American Literature and gives you the highlights of what those were, along with book examples and what was happening in the States. We'll be using this to discuss the different books and give them some context. She'll also at some point have a test on describing the different periods and correctly place books there.

Here is her book list:

1. To Kill A Mockingbird
2. Rip Van Winkle
3. Call of the Wild
4. Bonfire of the Vanities
5. For Whom the Bell Tolls
6. The Catcher in the Rye
7. The Scarlet Letter
8. Of Mice and Men or Grapes of Wrath
9. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
10. The Great Gatsby
11. The Oz books
12. Cat's Cradle
13. Catch 22
14. Slaughterhouse 5
15.Fahrenheit 451
16. Poems by Emily Dickingson
17. Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
18. Little Women ( a fluffier one and the one we are starting with to ease into it all!)

It's pretty heavy.  So as long as she spends at least 20 minutes a day reading her current book for the time period, she can read anything else she wants.  We are aiming for two of the above books per month, along with a paper for each.

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